This is a public or shared computer
This option will log you out after a short period of inactivity (10 minutes).
This is a private computer
Selecting this option will keep you logged into secure Cardiff Met applications for a period of 7 days even if you close your browser or restart your computer. Please contact IT Helpdesk if you require advice on this.
you should only select this option if you are the only person using this computer or mobile phone. If you select this option then it is your responsibility to make sure you have security measures in place to stop anyone else accessing Cardiff Met services on this device.
Use Outlook Web App Light
The Light client provides fewer features and is sometimes faster. Use the Light client if you are on a slow connection or using a computer with unusually strict browser security settings.
I want to change my password
Please remember to change the password on all your devices immediately otherwise you may experience lockouts. With this option selected, a page used to change your password will be displayed after your credentials are submitted.
Cookies are currently disabled by your browser settings. To access this Web site, cookies must be enabled.
Follow these directions to enable cookies (Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later): In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options. Click the Privacy tab, then click Sites. In Address of Web site, type the complete address of this Web site. For example, Then click Allow.
If you are logging in for the first time, or are having any problems logging in or changing your default password then please see the guide here before proceeding.
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